Backyard Birding at Plantation Bay

Backyard Birding at Plantation Bay

Searching for that fun activity to get you outside and into nature? How about birding? Residents of Plantation Bay Golf & Country Club have the perfect setting to identify the many bird species that also call Plantation Bay home. Like other wonderful things to do here, birding, or birdwatching, is easy to share with friends …

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New Clubhouse Adds to Plantation Bay’s Area-Best Amenities

New Clubhouse Adds to Plantation Bay’s Area-Best Amenities - new cdb rendering 1

Plantation Bay residents will soon have the opportunity to enjoy another state-of-the-art amenity in their community. A new clubhouse, The Founders Club, is being built to replace the existing 1980s structure. The current clubhouse will continue to serve users until the new one opens; tentatively spring 2023. But the new one? Wow! If you’re searching …

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